Kids Area

The Circus and Slackline School.

We provide circus and slackline services for businesses and events as a vehicle for wellbeing.

Slacklining and circus skills are activities that put you into the same state and state of mind as one would achieve through yoga and meditation, however with these activities it is much easier to keep focused as they are very engaging and captivating.

Circus skills and Slacklining have so many positive benefits both physically and mentally and have been proven to boost happiness. These skills help improve balance, core strength, whilst exercising both sides of the body and brain, resulting in increased hand eye coordination.

In our workshops we incorporate aspects of gymnastics, martial arts, yoga, parkour and group/team work making our activities and school very unique and diverse.


Hope Sussex will be there with their info stall with news of all the amazing things they do in their community They will also be offering a full time table everyday for the kids including  Matt's weird science experiments, fun games and drama, foraging, archery, arts and crafts.

We are spoilt !!


We are blessed to have a local company coming to offer face painting for the kids. Not only that but hair wraps and henna tattooing and air brush tattoos ... adults wait your turn !! 

There will be a small charge to cover costs for this ...